21c Liederabend (Reviews)

Last week's 21c Liederabend at the Brooklyn Academy of Music garnered some media attention. Here's the New York Times' review: A Wink Toward Tradition in a Modern Evening. Public radio station WNYC provided a preview and aired "Sophia's Aria" from Tod Machover's opera VALIS. Listen here: A Modern Liederabend. This year's 21c Lieberabend included a performance of …

Armenia Project – Video of concert now available

It's wonderful what young people can achieve if just given the tools, encouragement and respect. Back on February 25, 2012, two of Armenia’s elite musical ensembles dig into new pieces composed entirely by children from Armenia and the United States. The children used Hyperscore software developed by the MIT Media Lab's Opera of the Future group. …

The Economist: Inventing the opera of the future (video)

The Economist has published an excellent article "A technology maestro," about Tod Machover's work at the MIT Media Lab. The magazine's web site includes an excellent video documentary.  In the documentary, Tod explains how the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band motivated him to explore technologies that could bring the complexity and richness of …

Interview with Tod Machover 1: The Idea Behind Death and the Powers

Tod and I got together during an extremely rare moment of down time to shoot this interview a few days ago, right inside the beautiful Opéra de Monte-Carlo, or Monte Carlo Opera House. We had so much to talk about that I decided to cut up his interview into a few installments, starting with how …